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Synge Street to go co-ed and gaelscoil !

Posted by SchoolDays Neshound, on 14/03/2017. Synge Street to go co-ed and gaelscoil !Tags: Parenting Teachers

Synge Street, one of Ireland’s best-known city schools, is set to introduce a new stream of co-ed students with pupils learning only through Irish.  According to the school’s website,  a Junior Infant-co-ed class which is to be taught through the medium of Irish will begin in September 2017.  The school is still accepting applications for the stream until 31st March 2017.

At the moment, Synge Street primary is an all-boys Catholic school that enrols children from second class up to sixth class.  However, the introduction of the new stream will be the first time since the school opened in 1864 that the school has opened its doors to the enrolment of girls. 

According to the school,  "the new junior infant class will follow the immersion model of education, where every aspect of the children’s school day will be through Irish. This method has proven educational and social benefits for children."  The stream will be separate from the boy-only classes who will continue to learn through English.

According to the school Principal, Mr Gerard Mooney, as quoted in the Irish Times "the introduction of the Irish stream is a unique development – Synge Street is the first school Ireland to do it." 
He explains that the idea came about due to a combination of dramatic depopulation in Dublin city centre, combined with increased demand for all-Irish education.


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