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Feeder Schools Lists published for 2018

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound, on 04/12/2018. Feeder Schools Lists published for 2018Tags: Parenting Teachers

The college progression data or information on ‘feeder schools’ to third level for autumn 2018 is available today on providing school-by-school information on which students have progressed to which colleges this year.

To view the information on your school for the last nine years on, visit 'Find a secondary school' and when you locate your school click on 'College Progression Stats' on the bottom right of the page. Links to whole school evaluations and subject inspections reports can also be found on the same menu. does not provide 'league table' ranking of schools as very often the progression percentage (as published in the newspapers) is not a true rate of progression as repeat leaving cert students are included in the data from colleges.

Fee paying versus non-fee paying

Fee-paying schools continue to dominate the tables accounting for 17 of the top 20 schools that send the most students to College. The Irish Times lists St Mary's College, Rathmines at the top of the lists this year followed by Presentation College, Mardyke in Cork. Within non-fee paying schools' Muckross College, Donnybrook had the highest progression to university and high points courses, followed by Colaiste Iosagain and Sandford Park. The figures show that College entry rates are at a historic high with two thirds of schools sending at least 70 percent of students to third level.

Location continues to matter
As always, Geography continues to play an important role in college choice. Economic factors such as the cost of living away from home and the accommodation crisis in Dublin, Cork and Galway are important consideration for students and their parents. Figures show that counties which do not have a large third-level institution close by, are likely to have lower progression rates, e.g. Longford.
Students also like to continue to socialise with their peer groups . A large cohort of students from south Dublin attend UCD, while similarly on the north side students have a significant presence in DCU.

To view the information on your school for the last five years on, visit 'Find a secondary school' and when you locate your school click on 'College Progression Stats' on the bottom right of the page. Alternatively you can find you school by visiting our map or by inputting the school name in our google search bar on the blue pencil on any page on our site.

Read more about college progression data on


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