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Midlands School to Showcase 'Digital Schoolbag' Scheme

Posted by Schooldays Newshound, on 23/02/2017. Midlands School to Showcase 'Digital Schoolbag' SchemeTags: Teachers Parenting

The Sacred Heart School in Tullamore, County Offaly has been announced as Microsoft's designated showcase school for their 'digital schoolbag' scheme.

The scheme will see all first year students ditch the heavy, book-filled schoolbags this coming September in exchange for new tablets to use in the classroom.

Principal Pauline McKenna noted:

“After many years of planning we decided to replace textbooks for the incoming first year students last September and fully embrace the digital schoolbag. The introduction of the tablet has been widely acclaimed and universally welcomed, "

"The introduction of the tablet for students has dramatically altered staff and students’ access to knowledge and now learning can exceed the limitations imposed by textbooks.

Students report the enjoyment of working with specialised materials and texts and the resources provided by the e-book far exceed that of the text book."

The Offaly Express reported:

"A detailed survey involving parents and students was commissioned in December and there was an 85% positive response. Six years of planning and research has gone into the Sacred Heart School, Tullamore’s digital project and to date the Board of Management have invested €80,000 in the scheme. "

Source: Offaly Express

Sacred Heart School Tullamore

Learn more about the digital schoolbag scheme at



(24-02-2017 13:31)

My daughter is in 6th class and heading to secondary in September I lifted her school bag the other day only to be nearly knocked off my feet if a 6th class bag is that heavy I can only imagine what a 1St years will be like I hope this is introduced into all schools

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