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'Creepy Clowns' scare students in Blackrock School

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound, on 11/10/2016. 'Creepy Clowns' scare students in Blackrock SchoolTags: Parenting Teachers

Staff and students at Newpark Comprehensive School in Blackrock were distressed by an incident last week when members of a promotions company entered the school premises dressed as creepy clowns and carrying a prop that students said looked “identical” to a chainsaw.

A group of students who were leaving a PE class encountered the clowns and many were frightened.

The production company behind the clowns has since apologised to the school and explained that the promotional staff were originally from Cork and did not know their way around Blackrock. They entered the school thinking it was a public space. The staff were promoting “The Nightmare Realm” event which has been held in Cork since 2009 but is this year to be held in Dublin.

The school is reported to have spoken with the Gardai about the incident which is understood to be a civil matter.

The promotion company involved in the event has stressed that his company and staff are “in no way linked” to the ‘creepy clown’ phenomenon sweeping the US and UK as Halloween approaches.


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