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600 extra teacher course places to become available

Posted by SchoolDays Newshound, on 27/03/2023. 600 extra teacher course places to become availableTags: Teachers Education & Politics

Minister for Education Norma Foley announces the approval of 610 additional places on primary initial teacher education (ITE) programmes over two years.

Following engagement with the relevant higher education institutions providing initial teacher education, the Minister has approved 610 additional places with 320 of these coming on stream in 2023, and the remaining 290 in 2024.

The new places are as follows:

  • 90 additional places on the B.Ed. programme in 2023 and 2024, making a total of 1,090 each year
  • 30 additional places on the B.Ed. through the Medium of Irish in 2023, making a total of 60 in 2023
  • 200 additional places on the Professional Master of Education (Primary Teaching) (PME) programme in 2023 and 2024, making a total of 400 each year

    Recent policy advances, for example, the extension of DEIS status to 322 additional schools from September 2023, increased provision for students with special educational needs, and the positive changes in the staffing schedule which bring the pupil: teacher ratio in schools to a historic low, along with the enrolment of over 9,300 Ukrainian pupils (with potential for further enrolments) have impacted on teacher demands, and ongoing pressures relating to the availability of substitute teachers.

    With these combined factors, it is anticipated that demand for primary teachers over the next number of years will exceed previous expectations.


    Each year, the number of students admitted to primary concurrent and consecutive programmes in State-funded higher education institutions (HEIs) is determined by the Department of Education, having regard to teacher supply and demand issues, and available resources.

    The primary concurrent and consecutive programmes are available in the following State-funded HEIs:

  • Dublin City University
  • Mary Immaculate College, Limerick
  • Marino Institute of Education
  • Maynooth University (Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education)



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