part time childminder wanted killarney
part time childminder wanted killarney           01/05/2015 22:57 - Kerry Childminders ----------------------------------- Hi I am looking for someone to mind a 2 year old and 6 month old 2 days a week Fri and Sat from mid June until Sept. In my home or theirs . Must have experience with babies
| re : part time childminder wanted killarney           11/05/2015 21:29 - Kerry Childminders ----------------------------------- My name is Sinead and I am living in Milltown. I have just completed my Honors Degree in Early Childhood Care and Education in Tralee. I am fully qualified in this area, have completed two placements in two different childcare settings as well as having experience outside of college. I have a full clean drivers licence, have been Garda vetted and I am a qualified first aider. I am available at the end of this week as my final exam is on Thursday. I would love to get the opportunity to be considered for the position. If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to contact me at Kind regards, Sinead O Connor