childminder live in required in Newbridge
childminder live in required in Newbridge           28/05/2014 21:33 - Clare Childminders ----------------------------------- Looking for a childminder fluent in English to look after our girls aged 3,10 . You will collect the youngest from Creche at 1pm and the 10 years old one from sallins primary school at 3pm. You will mind them in our house or in your home if it s handier for you. Car required. 480 euros per month.
| childminder live in required in Newbridge           28/05/2014 21:33 - Clare Childminders ----------------------------------- Looking for a childminder fluent in English to look after our girls aged 3,10 . You will collect the youngest from Creche at 1pm and the 10 years old one from sallins primary school at 3pm. You will mind them in our house or in your home if it s handier for you. Car required. 480 euros per month.