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changing schools

re : changing schools           reply
27/04/2010 12:02 - Ask Mother Hen
This is a very difficult one to give you an opinion on as I don´t know the full extent of what has happened in the current school and if the bullying is still going on. What I can do is to give you some pointers which you can consider.
Firstly, if your son is happy in his current school and wants to stay there, then what is to be gained by moving him? If it is simply because there are more activities at the other school, is he interested in doing these activities? Would he like to check if these are available in your area after school and attend that way?
Does he feel insecure in his current school? If he has been bullied and the issue has passed, then remember that he has been through this and come out the other side and survived. Having done this, he has proved that he can deal with the situation and this, in turn, should have increased his self confidence at the school. So why move him? As the saying goes, "if ain´t broke, don´t fix it".
If the bullying is still an issue and you feel that it has not been dealt with properly, then rather than moving him I would suggest that you discuss the issue further with the principle and teacher. If, at that stage, you are still unhappy then you could consider the move but I would first try to keep him where he is.
Remember, there is no gaurantee that he won´t experience bullying at the new school, that he will make new friends or that he will settle in quickly. Before you ´give up´ on his current school, I would advise you to try to sort out the problem rather than move to a new school. Moving school is a very big step for a child and unless there are very good reasons for doing so, I would not jump into that type of change.
Let us know how you get on.

changing schools           reply
25/04/2010 18:48 - Ask Mother Hen (Locality: Dublin North)
I am considering moving my 8 year old boy from an all boys school to a mixed school come september as this school has more activities to offer than the other school he says he wants to stay in his current school even though there have been a lot of bullying incidents which i am unhappy about and have not been dealt with what should i do,

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