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Unsafe classroom

re... : Unsafe classroom           reply
25/01/2012 14:53 - Ask Mother Hen
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re... : Unsafe classroom           reply
07/01/2012 12:17 - Ask Mother Hen
Is there any response from the Board of Management? There was a new Board from last November or December, so it is possible that the new Board are still finding their feet. Have they got back to you at all? Have you spoken to the parents reps on the Board?

re... : Unsafe classroom           reply
26/01/2012 12:31 - Ask Mother Hen
another parent has been in touch and found out that the chairman did not received the letter and the principal took it into her own hands all those letters were addressed to him.There is not another meeting till next month in which it will be brought up again,my daughter has now told me there is a video camera in the room for when the teacher is not there should we have be informed of this.I am so disappointed all I wanted is my daughter to enjoy her school and remember it as a happy place..

re... : Unsafe classroom           reply
27/01/2012 16:06 - Ask Mother Hen
The more I hear about this, the stranger it gets!
I´ve no idea why a teacher would be taking a break while the students are in the class. This is a big issue on its own. Is this anything to do with students not going out to the yard in bad weather?
I´m wondering if the webcam thing is really in use. This would well be a white lie for the kids.

re... : Unsafe classroom           reply
07/01/2012 14:32 - Ask Mother Hen
Yes Have done all of that no reply from the board as of yet, spoken to one of the parents on the board and it´s in the chairmans hands.

re... : Unsafe classroom           reply
25/01/2012 19:57 - Ask Mother Hen
Have you approached any of the BoM members, possibly the parents reps first?

re... : Unsafe classroom           reply
27/01/2012 12:36 - Ask Mother Hen
yes i have spoken to my daughter and the children are left with a child from 1st or 2nd class to mind them will the teacher is on her break.I asked my daughter to show me the camera throught the window today and she pointed to two laptops one at the bottom of the class and one at the top she then told me the teacher puts them on when she leaves the room i expect its a web cam.

re... : Unsafe classroom           reply
05/01/2012 09:19 - Ask Mother Hen
Thank you for your reply while I do agree with you that the principal cannot be there all the time, I am not suggesting that but when my daughters teacher is asking for help from her and being spat at and objects thrown at her on a daily base,if a child is hurt what happens then who is responsible?

re... : Unsafe classroom           reply
27/01/2012 17:21 - Ask Mother Hen
Shane I have no idea I am so upset about the whole thing

re... : Unsafe classroom           reply
25/01/2012 12:43 - Ask Mother Hen
try going to the department of education if all else fails

re : Unsafe classroom           reply
03/01/2012 09:48 - Ask Mother Hen
No principal can give an absolute guarantee of safety, or of anything else. She can´t be in that classroom 100% of the time herself. Also, her dealings with the family of the other child are confidential. She can´t speak to you about what she is doing about the other child.
However, it is worrying that she hasn´t responded to written complaints. There is an agreed complaints procedure for primary schools - Google for it. Basically, it says that you go to the class teacher first, then the principal, then the Board of Management. I´d suggest you kick off the formal complaints procedure now.

re... : Unsafe classroom           reply
28/01/2012 08:53 - Ask Mother Hen
Yes, I´m sure it must be very upsetting. Get as much information as you can about what is actually going on, so that you are well prepared for discussions with the Principal or BoM.

re... : Unsafe classroom           reply
20/12/2011 17:30 - Ask Mother Hen
Thank you for the quick reply I have already spoke with my daughters principal and I feel she is not interested in my child and the other children.A group of parents meet today at the principal office and she refused to speak to us as a group of parents and told me that could not say my child would be safe,her words it´s like dropping your child to a birthday party not the answer I wanted.
She doesn´t seem to be doing anything about this childs behaviour problems,we have written letters and still noboby seems to care or listen.

re : Unsafe classroom           reply
20/12/2011 12:22 - Ask Mother Hen
The problem, from what you have said, seems to be down to one child. This is a very difficult and worrying situation for you and also for the school. I suggest that you contact the priniciple and outline your concerns. The principle is most likely trying to deal with this issue. Express your concerns about your daughter´s physical safety in the classroom and the inappropriate behaviour of this boy in pulling down his pants. It may also be helpful to talk to other parents with children in the class and see what their thoughts are.
The important issue is your child´s safety and right to be educated in an appropriate and safe environment. I am sure that the school recognise this and will deal with the issue within the parameters available to them.
With regard to moving school, if your daughter is happy and settled in her school then I would be reluctant to upset her, especially in the middle of a school year. See what happens with regards to dealing with the misbehaviour of this boy and then make your decision. Perhaps she could move to another class in the same school? These are all possibilities but I would wait to see how the principle responds to your discussion before making any decisions.

re... : Unsafe classroom           reply
06/01/2012 22:04 - Ask Mother Hen
I guess you need to go through the formal complaints procedure now. Make a written complaint to the principal, and if it doesn´t get sorted, escalate it to the Board of Management.

re... : Unsafe classroom           reply
26/01/2012 22:35 - Ask Mother Hen
That´s very strange. Give a copy of your letter to the parents rep on the BoM, and get them to get it to the Chairperson without going through the principal.
Having CCTV in the classroom is also very unusual. The Data Protection Commissioner is not keen on this at all; http://dataprotection.ie/docs/FAQ_-_CCTV_in_schools/926.htm What is meant by ´when the teacher is not there´? Surely with that age group, they should not be left on their own at all, even for a few minutes?

re... : Unsafe classroom           reply
25/01/2012 14:38 - Ask Mother Hen
Still ongoing and nothing has changed will try department of education nobody seems to care about the other children in this classroom.And no six year old child should have to listen or be scared going to school each day,last week my daughter was hit again in the back and face.She then told me the principal told the kids that this childs boby is telling him to do this not his mind so it´s okay.
See does´nt seem to care asked could my child me moved to another class and was told no.

re... : Unsafe classroom           reply
07/01/2012 16:33 - Ask Mother Hen
Try to find out when the next Board meeting is happening, so you can keep a close tab on things.

Unsafe classroom           reply
19/12/2011 17:29 - Ask Mother Hen (Locality: Meath)
Please I need some advice my daughter is in senior infants in Scoil xxxxxx in xxxxx.I really dont know what to do a child in her class hit and punched 5 children last week chairs have been thrown in the class room,and last week this child pulled down his pants for all the kids to see.The principal does not seem to be doing anything and i am so worried something will happen to her.I have been thinking of moving school any advice.

re... : Unsafe classroom           reply
07/01/2012 10:38 - Ask Mother Hen
yes thanks we have already done all that

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