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Study on ADHD & Autism needs your help!

Study on ADHD & Autism needs your help!           reply
05/03/2012 16:38 - Special Needs / Tutors Required
Dear Parents,

We are currently conducting a research study at NUI Galway aimed at identifying the presence and prevalence of symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children with Autism. The aim of this study is to investigate if children with Autism are presenting with symptoms of ADHD, and what factors increase the likelihood of symptoms of ADHD being present in a child with Autism. We wish to look at the presence of these ADHD symptoms, how common they are, and the groups that it occurs in the most. This research is important because it will provide vital information that can expand our knowledge on this relatively new topic. The results of this study could highlight the need for treatment of ADHD symptoms in children with Autism and this could be hugely beneficial to effected children and families.

We are currently recruiting parents of children, between the ages of 6 to 18 years old and who have been diagnosed with Autism, to participate. Parents who agree to participate are asked to complete some questionnaires about their child. The questionnaires will ask participants to provide information regarding their demographic information (such as age, gender) and information about the child´s behaviour. Participation is voluntary and participants can choose to withdraw at anytime. All questionnaires will be coded with a participant number, and identifying information will be kept separately to secure confidentiality.

If you are interested in participating, please click on the link below:

For more information about the study or if you have any questions please contact Orla O’ Callaghan or Dr Olive Healy at the Department of Psychology, National University of Ireland, Galway, University Road, Galway, or email o.ocallaghan1@nuigalway.ie

Orla O’ Callaghan

This post in on behalf of Orla O´Callaghan by Schooldays.ie Staff.
If you have any questions please contact Orla.

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