Sensory Processing Disorder
Sensory Processing Disorder           10/06/2012 14:39 - Special Needs / Tutors Required ----------------------------------- Sensory Processing Disorder Free talk for parents, teachers and professionals Thursday 14th June 7pm Leixlip Library Tuesday 26th June 7pm Naas Library A sensory processing disorder refers to a problem with processing sensory information. It is common for people on the autistic spectrum to have difficulties in this area. For example · Smells other people don’t find a problem make the person feel sick · Finding the noise of a hoover or hand-dryer painful · Needing to move or fidget constantly · Becoming anxious or aggressive with light or unexpected touch Dorothy Armstrong, will host an evening that is aimed at parents, teachers and those who work with this population. It will cover issues such as: · What is a Sensory Processing Disorder? · Strategies to help children with problems in this area · Introduction to some of the toys from the Libraries Toys, Technology and Training collection that are of use to children with these issues. Dorothy is an Occupational Therapist with a private practice in Maynooth. She has both a degree and a Masters and is currently studying towards a PhD in the area of dyspraxia. She is also a lecturer in occupational therapy at the National University of Galway. Lecture is free of charge and open to everyone.