Seeking part time childminder to mind in her own home
Seeking part time childminder to mind in her own home           14/08/2015 17:29 - Limerick City Childminders ----------------------------------- Hi I am returning to college for my final year and I am seeking a qualified lady who can mind my 18 month old daughter in her own home, preferably with other children. I am looking for someone who can be very flexible as my hours can sometimes change. I am a student so I need someone who can offer me a reasonable part time / hourly rate. I would prefer if you have First Aid training, previous childminding experience and Garda Vetting. Please get in touch if you think you can help... Many thanks, Jo
| re : Seeking part time childminder to mind in her own home           12/04/2016 22:34 - Limerick City Childminders ----------------------------------- Hi I am interested in minding your little girl as I have 2 of my own I have a 1 yr old and a 3 yr old and there is loads of children around where I live.if you are interested I´m sure we can come to some arrangement