Seeking Childminder - Tulla/Spancilhill/Ennis/Shannon - work
Seeking Childminder - Tulla/Spancilhill/Ennis/Shannon - work           12/07/2023 18:17 - Clare Childminders ----------------------------------- Hi all, my name is Méadhbh. As I write this I have a 3month old, I am seeking a childminder for September time to mind our little boy. Looking for someone 2days one week and 3 the next to care for our little boy. (Official days are yet to be confirmed - possibly Monday & Tuesday then Monday,Tuesday & Wednesday) Searching for someone with experience in caring for young babies, who is kind, caring and someone who has the time and energy to give our little boy. This is a daunting time for us leaving our small baby and first child so hoping to find a great childminder in the area! We are living just outside Tulla between Tulla & Spancilhill so somewhere in that area would be great! I am working in Shannon and also open to the idea of childcare in the area! Message me for more information 😄