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Payig childminder

re : Payig childminder           reply
18/03/2010 19:30 - Ask Mother Hen
hi yes absolutely you have to pay because basiclly your minder is still available to work, . you would not have to pay in the case where your childminder was sick or taking time of within normal hours.

re : Payig childminder           reply
19/03/2010 21:59 - Ask Mother Hen
hi i was a child minder for 10 yrs had this discussion with every parent my i even lost jobs because parents didn´t want to pay for bank holidays their holidays or if the child was sick and what i always said to them was i was available foe work they got paid for bank holidays etc so so should i if i´m not available i didn´t expect to be paid

Payig childminder           reply
18/03/2010 14:51 - Ask Mother Hen
Do parents sending their child to a chilminder pay the chilminder for days the parents take off eg. when child is sick or when parent takes hols ?


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