Part time childminder needed-Malahide
Part time childminder needed-Malahide           09/08/2021 09:28 - dublin north childminders (Locality: Dublin North) ----------------------------------- Childminder needed to mind our 2.5yr old daughter and 5year old son for two afternoons a week. Times would be 12.30-5.30. Please contact if you are interested.
| re : Part time childminder needed-Malahide           10/08/2021 20:24 - dublin north childminders ----------------------------------- HI there, I am a Mum of two kids aged 11 and 13 living in Malahide can i just ask you what days of the week this would be for, also I would have to mind them in my house if thats suitable , has the 5 year old started school yet ?