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Moving to Canada 3 weeks before end of school year, need advice please!

Moving to Canada 3 weeks before end of school year, need advice please!           reply
26/11/2013 19:05 - Ask Mother Hen
Hi ladies,
We are moving back to Canada after 5 years living here and we may have to move 3 weeks before the end of school... my son is in year 4 of primary and this would be smack in the middle of his orchestra and drama practices at school leading up to the end of year school performance. Also prep for swimming galas and I am worried that leaving just short of the end will be damaging. Like he will have no closure or finality. Especially as he will be practicing for 2 things which are important to him that he will never get to participate in as in past years.

My dream plan would be for my son and I to stay the last 3 weeks at the B & B next to the school so he can finish then join my husband since we are going at Easter break to set up the new house anyway.

If we leave at the middle-end of June the schools in Canada will be out already and so the other problem is he will not finish his school year.

My final problem is getting the husband on board with this. Financially it is not a problem but he wants us all to move together. He thinks it´s no big deal and that our son will adjust, yet he has already been tearful at the idea of leaving his mates. I feel the last few weeks will be torture for him.

Am I overreacting? Am I right in being concerned that this could affect him negatively long term? What would be best for the well being of my son?

Any parents or teachers on here that can offer some advice, I would really appreciate it.

Thank you,

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