Moving from Primary School in Ireland to Secondary in England?
Moving from Primary School in Ireland to Secondary in England?           29/08/2011 15:45 - Ask Mother Hen ----------------------------------- Hi all, Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask this question but I´ve been looking around and can´t find anywhere else to ask it? A good friend of mine has a 10 year old son (11 in February) at school in Ireland but wants to move to England. Obviously there are some quite major differences in the education system between the two countries, and the son would be UK secondary school age by the time they moved. If they stayed in Ireland he´d have another two years before he moved up, so she´s worried he won´t be ready and will struggle if/when it comes to moving. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice for her or could point me in the right direction on where to get some? Kind regards, Kat