Looking for childminder near Donore/Duleek area from December
Looking for childminder near Donore/Duleek area from December           07/08/2021 17:02 - Meath Childminders ----------------------------------- Hi, I´m looking for a childminder for our baby who will be about 9-10 months, from the end of my wife´s maternity leave, starting probably in December but possibly earlier. Please PM me with your details, certificates and prices, please. Thank you, Fergus
| re : Looking for childminder near Donore/Duleek area from December           20/08/2021 19:42 - Meath Childminders ----------------------------------- Hi Fergus, I am interested in minding your baby. I live in Bettystown, am montessori trained with fetac 6. I was garda vetted, have full license and charge 10 euro P. H. If that suits please don´t hesitate to call me on 0872899202. Kind Regards, Carol