Looking for childminder Newbridge/Athgarvan area
Looking for childminder Newbridge/Athgarvan area           22/01/2024 09:33 - Kildare Childminders ----------------------------------- Hi, I´m looking for a childminder Tuesdays - Thursdays. To collect a child from preschool in Athgarvan at 12pm and another child from school in Athgarvan at 3pm until 5.30/6pm. Please message me if interested. Thank you.
| re : Looking for childminder Newbridge/Athgarvan area           25/01/2024 13:58 - Kildare Childminders ----------------------------------- Hello,, just saw your add on schooldays.ie for childcare position my name is Sylvia I would be interested in the position. I have years experience with children and young babies. Kind regards Sylvia