Looking for a childminder in Carlow town
Looking for a childminder in Carlow town           08/06/2017 14:50 - Carlow Childminders ----------------------------------- Hi I am looking for a childminder to mind three children age 2, 6 and 10 years in my own home in carlow town. we will need you to be able to work from 3p till later evening. As both my husband and I are working shift work.But we will know our roster in one month advance. If you are interested please pm here or call me at 0892185832 We can discuss more details. Thank you.
| re : Looking for a childminder in Carlow town           08/06/2017 17:41 - Carlow Childminders ----------------------------------- hi Emma my name is Tanya. im very interested on the position above currently minding three boys from the ages of seven ten and thriteen. but i am looking for something a little closer to home as i live in Carlow town. im currently in the position im in for the last two years so i am no stranger to the industry please to hestiate to contact me. for more details. kind regards Tanya