Looking for a childminder from August 2023 in Goatstown/Clonskeagh (2-3 days per week)
Looking for a childminder from August 2023 in Goatstown/Clonskeagh (2-3 days per week)           28/02/2023 13:03 - Dublin South Childminders ----------------------------------- Hi I am looking for an experienced and friendly childminder in the Clonskeagh/Goatstown area to collect my 5 year old son from school (Our Lady´s Grove) at 1.30pm and look after him until 5pm. This can be in your own home or in ours. 2-3 days per week, days are flexible. To help him settle I´d like to do a couple of trial weeks in August before school starts. If you are interested please contact me. Thanks.