Looking for a childminder Kilmoon Cross outside Ashbourne
Looking for a childminder Kilmoon Cross outside Ashbourne           12/07/2020 11:33 - Meath Childminders ----------------------------------- Hi all! We are looking for a childminder to mind our 2 boys 4 days a week, 8am to 5pm 3 days and 8am to 2pm 1 day. 5 year old 9.20 to 2pm Cushenstown Primary school and nearly 3 year old pre school 3 days 9.15 to 12.15. Term time only starting from September. Our house or yours. We live near Kilmoon Cross outside Ashbourne. Please let me know if you are interested. Thanks.
| re : Looking for a childminder Kilmoon Cross outside Ashbourne           25/07/2020 18:31 - Meath Childminders ----------------------------------- Hi Laura, did you get a childminder yet? I am available and live in Curragha. Anne