Looking for a Childminder in Kilcock
Looking for a Childminder in Kilcock           05/08/2021 07:54 - Kildare Childminders ----------------------------------- Hi, I am looking for a childminder in Kilcock for my two girls (aged 3yrs and 13 months). Ideally from this September/October and in the minders home. It would be full time Monday to Friday from around 8am-4pm. The eldest girl is down to attend ECCE in Kilcock in the afternoons starting Sept so would need a drop off. Would love for them to be minded with kids of similar ages if possible. Please get in touch if interested. Thanks!
| re : Looking for a Childminder in Kilcock           13/09/2021 10:59 - Kildare Childminders ----------------------------------- Hi. Aishling Have u found childminder yet? I am available if u like to chat. 0852821770. have lots of experience working in creche and home. kind regards, aga