Looking for Childminder in Arklow
Looking for Childminder in Arklow           19/05/2021 16:59 - Wicklow Childminders ----------------------------------- Hi everyone! I’m looking for a childminder for my daughter. I am heading back to work in September for four days a week, she will be nearly 7 months old at that stage. I would like maybe over the summer to have the childminder watch her for a few hours a week so everyone gets used to each other, then it will go to full time when I return to work in September. Ideally I would like for my daughter to be minded in the carers home. If anyone is interested please get in contact!
| re : Looking for Childminder in Arklow           28/05/2021 08:51 - Wicklow Childminders ----------------------------------- UPDATE: Childminder has been arranged.