Looking for Childminder Afterschool Castlebar Area (4 days)
Looking for Childminder Afterschool Castlebar Area (4 days)           11/01/2017 21:39 - Mayo Childminders ----------------------------------- Looking for a lady to mind a 4 year old child in child´s home or person´s home, Mon - Thursday afterschool (12pm-5pm). Could be 4 days every week or every 2 weeks. Must be able to do School Run at 12pm. References required.
| re : Looking for Childminder Afterschool Castlebar Area (4 days)           15/01/2017 15:56 - Mayo Childminders ----------------------------------- Hi, Maria, I´d love to be considered for the childcare position. I have extensive experience working with children in various settings and can provide excellent references. I can be reached here or at 0838396703. Warm regards, Julia