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How much to pay childminder, what is the normal rate for childminder unqualified

How much to pay childminder, what is the normal rate for childminder unqualified           reply
12/11/2023 09:31 - Limerick City Childminders
Hi, looking for some help in finding finding out what is the going rate to pay a child minder for minding 11month old. 4 days per week. Average 10hours per day 7am to 5PM.
The rate advertised was 10euro per hour but at 40hours per week that´s €400.
I´m looking to go back to work but I´d be working for free to pay the childminder..
Looking to get back to work to get some normality back in my life.
How do other people afford to go back to work and pay childminder.
No luck with creche so NCS is a non runner its private childcare or notting.
Childminder had no qualifications but has her own child under 2.
Please reply

re : How much to pay childminder, what is the normal rate for childminder unqualified           reply
05/01/2024 13:02 - Limerick City Childminders
Why would you be asking what the rate would be for an unqualified person? Is it because you expect it to be lower?
I know it´s hard to find the right childcare but parents must be willing to pay a decent wage to someone who will be caring for their most prized possession.
You mention that you don´t want to go to work to hand it all over to a childminder yet expect a childminder to work for very little.
As expected, someone who bothers to gain a qualification in childcare should be paid more than someone who doesn´t.

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