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How much should I pay for three children

How much should I pay for three children           reply
31/05/2015 09:49 - Ask Mother Hen (Locality: Kildare)
I am looking for some advice. I have three children 18months, 3.5 years and 8 years. Older one is in school from 9-3pm, next one is play school 12-3pm (pick up is same location & walking distance from the house) and baby is at home. How much would I need to pay to have a minder come to my home and get children out to school and back and mind the smallest from 7:30-5:30 three days a week.

re... : How much should I pay for three children           reply
31/05/2015 20:07 - Ask Mother Hen
Thanks for your reply. So if someone comes to my home the arrangement is classed as a nanny rather than a child minder? I have never really thought about it in depth but what exactly is the difference between nanny and childminder? If you require someone to look after children in your own home is this different to taking them to a minders home in regards as pay, conditions ect?

re : How much should I pay for three children           reply
31/05/2015 14:48 - Ask Mother Hen
Having a nanny in your own home, means you become an employer, see revenue.ie for further information..you´ll pay at least minimum wage per hr regardless of no of children in her care...the rate will increase on qualications, experience etc...
Dont forget inform your house insurance...

re... : How much should I pay for three children           reply
01/06/2015 07:15 - Ask Mother Hen
Hi yes, a nanny works in the family home, classed a domestic servant, entitled to full employment rights like statutory hols, payslip, etc, full contact, you pay their prsi n employers prsi...however as this Ireland you will find off the book workers but as in your family home you run the risk of revenue finding out as you evade tax..plus any nanny interested in career will look for you to register...
A cmer works from her own home, there are different situations of how cmer works this as again this Ireland, a registered cmer can hav 5 preschoolers, a notified cmer can hav 3 preschoolers , both insured etc, running a business..., a house insurance policy covers 2 under 18 but only covered inside house....and of course you have uninsured cmers..if a parent chooses an uninsured environment then I always say watch the ratios, more than 3 preschoolers and it´s illegal as law requires registration with tusla, there are mini zoos cmers......a self employed cmer is responsible for paying her own taxes, if she chooses to...the going rate is €5 one child, €8 two kids, €10 for three for an insured cmer but depending on your area an uninsured cmer can ask these rates too...so u may hav some savings if u calculate it But bear in mind you´d be getting 3 kids out which is advantage of nanny so justify extra cost...

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