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Housekeeping and childminding carpenterstown

Housekeeping and childminding carpenterstown           reply
25/09/2021 11:50 - Dublin West Childminders (Locality: Dublin West)

We are looking for help in our home 3-4 days a week for a few hours. Responsibilities would be preparation of dinner, laundry and cleaning. Occasionally, we would require childminding in these hours of either our 5 year old or 2 year old (both currently in school and crèche). They are doing very well in their crèches interacting with others but our family is need of a helping hand to help us juggle all of the demands of home and work.

re : Housekeeping and childminding carpenterstown           reply
26/09/2021 08:25 -
Hi my name is Vera i have experience in houskepping and childminding i live in D15 thank you

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