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Exp.childminder available (Athlone)

re : Exp.childminder available (Athlone)           reply
13/05/2016 20:42 - Westmeath Childminders
Dear siobhan
Can you call me for a chat - or email me with your contact details antokeane@yahoo.co.uk
Thank you

Exp.childminder available (Athlone)           reply
11/05/2016 16:04 - Westmeath Childminders

I am an experienced childminder in Athlone. I have two children of my own girl(8) and boy(11). I just finished my degree in Social Care (as a mature student!!) but have made my decision to go back childminding in my own home. I am very friendly and easy to get along with. I am Garda vetted and references are available upon request. I am available for full/part time positions.

pm me for additional information. I look forward hearing from you.

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