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Dictionary in classroom

re... : Dictionary in classroom           reply
10/11/2011 11:36 - Ask Mother Hen
I remember the dictionary phase myself and that was many many years ago! Most children go through this stage and as the previous reply said, it passes. The key for you is to be prepared to answer any questions that your child may ask about words without becoming upset or embarrassed. Try to rehearse in your mind possible responses to questions and, in an age appropriate manner, answer the questions as honestly as you can. There will be many times over the next few years where you will have to be prepared to answer questions so try to get some information or books in advance to help you. The HSE have a wonderful booklet called "Busy Bodies" and if you send a stamped addressed envelope to Help Me To Parent (see address on www.HelpMe2Parent.ie) then we will send you out a copy.

re... : Dictionary in classroom           reply
10/11/2011 20:13 - Ask Mother Hen
Great input thanks! So often you forget how many parents have gone through exactly the same thing... And so much more. I seriously dread secondary school 
Thanks for replies!

re : Dictionary in classroom           reply
10/11/2011 08:49 - Ask Mother Hen
Unfortunately I think the ´fun begins´ with 8 year olds starting to ask the difficult questions whether they have a dictionary or not. In my experience, at age 8 or so they start sharing information on words and jokes they have heard in the playground which are often not age appropriate. At least with the dictionary they have the proper definition for words rather than just hearsay. I think all third class parents have been through the ´dictionary phase´ and it´s usually fairly short lived. It really a question of parents considering how to answer the questions in an age appropriate way.

Dictionary in classroom           reply
09/11/2011 21:20 - Ask Mother Hen (Locality: Wicklow)
Has anyone had problems with kids exploring the dictionary in classroom?
It seems to me, as soon as they are in 3rd class and each have a dictionary the ´fun´ begins!
There´s always a few kids who think of looking up the ´spicier´ words and the more innocent kids come home with interesting questions that most parents of an 8 yr old aren´t ready for!
Shouldn´t a dictionary aimed at primary school children be edited?
I´m interested to know how orhers feel about this.

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