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Cost for 3 children

re : Cost for 3 children           reply
14/02/2016 13:59 - Galway County Childminders
a very approximate figure would be 150 per week for the youngest and 8 euro per hour for the primary kids ie 5e for the 1st and 3e for the 2nd. You will for sure find minders who will charge less and more.

Cost for 3 children           reply
12/02/2016 21:23 - Galway County Childminders
Hi, can you help me with costing childcare for 3 children? I have an interview coming up and have to make sure it´s financially viable for me to go back to work. Hours would be from 8-9 in the morning, then from 12.15 - 6 for youngest who would have to be picked up from montessori, and from 3 - 6 for the other 2 who would have to be picked up from school. No dinners necessary and I would provide snacks.

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