Children's nurse and childminder available part time Navan area
Children´s nurse and childminder available part time Navan area           27/07/2022 07:51 - Meath Childminders ----------------------------------- I am a mum,children´s nurse with over 25 years experience and registered and insured childminder.I aim to provide a loving home from home experience.Excellent reference available.Garda vetted,first aid,child protection and other professional courses done.Seperate playroom and sleep area.Secure garden.I will have a part time space available soon for a baby( family moving to another county).Happy to discuss further.Thanking you in advance,kind regards D
| re : Children´s nurse and childminder available part time Navan area           10/02/2023 15:25 - Meath Childminders ----------------------------------- One part time baby place available.Happy to discuss further ,kindest regards Dee