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Childminder wanted Maynooth

Childminder wanted Maynooth           reply
13/06/2023 10:54 - Kildare Childminders
Childminder wanted Maynooth.
We are looking for a childminder starting August for 2 children aged 3.5 and 2.5 years. We would be looking for someone 2 days one week, 3 days the next for term time. Hours would be 8am-4.15pm on those days. 3.5 year old will be attending ECCE in Kinder Crescent so drop-off at 9.30am and collection at 12.30 would also be required. Our preference would be for them to be minded in Childminder’s own home if possible. Thanks!

re : Childminder wanted Maynooth           reply
06/07/2023 14:25 - Kildare Childminders
Hi Dee, I just seen your post. I´m Dora, mom of 3 boys (11,9,9) I really enjoy spending time with children and allow their little personalities emerge and witness their creative ideas form. I raise my own children with conscious and gentle parenting principles and I treat children in my care as my own. When caring for child I priorities outdoor time, arts and craft, simple open ended play with natural toys (I have a great selection of those) and also getting them involved in the kitchen making smoothies, prepare healthy snacks and teaching them cooking and baking skills. I´m happy to cater to many different nutritional needs (gluten free, dairy free, vegan etc). My boys also love little children and always happy to engage and play when they are home from school. In the last 2 years I have been working as a childminder in a family´s home, but now I´m opening my own home for little kids to be looked after. I´m available from Sept 2023 school term times, full time. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.My number is 0857080912

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