Childminder required part time in childs own home Ennis
re : Childminder required part time in childs own home Ennis           24/10/2015 19:32 - Clare Childminders ----------------------------------- hello, and how are you? firstly where exactly in Ennis do you live. I am an experienced mature childminder, non smoker, with good references and I am a car owner.... If you like we can mail each other or if you prefer we could meet? regards Anne Marie
| Childminder required part time in childs own home Ennis           21/10/2015 13:47 - Clare Childminders ----------------------------------- Hello, I am looking for an experienced childminder to work 3 days per week minding one toddler in my home in Ennis. Hours 8-6. Please PM me if interested. Thanks!