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Childminder required Castlewarren Kilkenny

Childminder required Castlewarren Kilkenny           reply
28/08/2019 19:24 - Kilkenny Childminders
We are looking for a childminder for our two girls, 3 to 5 days a week (depending on time of the year) from 12 to 5.30pm. The 4 year old is in playschool and needs to be picked up at 12.15. The 6 year old is in the local school and needs to be picked up at 2pm. Ideally we would like the children to be minded in our home. We live in Castlewarren ( which is about 20 minutes outside Kilkenny city). Some dropping /picking up to activities in Kilkenny is also required.
Thank you

re : Childminder required Castlewarren Kilkenny           reply
02/09/2019 20:08 - Kilkenny Childminders
Position filled
Thank you

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