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Childminder available doon area

re : Childminder available doon area           reply
16/11/2015 21:22 - Limerick County Childminders
Hi just wondering if you are still available living in doon and require a childminder for a 2 yr old and a 6 month old from January from 8am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday (3 days for 2 year old Tues to Thurs)

Childminder available doon area           reply
14/09/2015 17:06 - Limerick County Childminders
hi available for childminding in my own home, have lots of experience,also worked as health care assistant. Garda vetted. I also have a 6month old baby.rates would be 30euro per day.pm if interested.meals will be provided.

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