Childminder Required
Childminder Required           09/04/2018 10:02 - Limerick County Childminders ----------------------------------- Childminder needed to care for 2 Children aged 11 and 12 in their own home on 3 afternoons per week in Limerick County. Must have own car and be willing to collect from local school. Childminder would be required to supervise homework , prepare / serve afternoon meal and drop to local activities where required. Required on Mon, Tue and Thursday but days may be negotiable.
| re : Childminder Required           12/04/2018 13:19 - Limerick County Childminders ----------------------------------- Hi, my name is Peggy, I just saw your add on the website and would be interested in chatting to you about the position! My number is 0876169991! Cheers x