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Childminder Available - Sligo Area

Childminder Available - Sligo Area           reply
18/08/2020 21:18 - Sligo Childminders
Hi, I have 6+ years experience minding children aged from infancy right up to 17 years of age. I currently already babysit 2 boys ( aged 4 and 5) and a one year old girl occasional Saturdays, in their own home, so I would be familiar with the age group and routine. I’m moving down to sligo end of August for the college year. I just got updated by my college today, that my lectures will be online till after Christmas but not live which means that any college work I may have can be undertaking in the evenings/weekends. I look forward to getting a full-time/part-time job in Sligo. Feel free to ask any questions and I look forward to hearing back from you soon, all the best, Lauren.

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