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Child minder needed

Child minder needed           reply
16/04/2018 10:37 - Louth Childminders
Hi, looking some advice as to how much to pay a childminder. I will be going back to work January 2019, and would need childminder for 3 children. 4 1/2 year old, would be at school. 2 1/2 year old and a 1 year old. 2 full days and 1 half day. Would want childminder in my home, and would need to drop and collect 4 year old, school 5 min walk. Anybody any ideas on how much ?


re : Child minder needed           reply
30/05/2018 12:01 - Louth Childminders
I am an Italian girl living in Dundalk, I have years of experience like childminder, my offer is 75 euro full day, 50 euro for half day.
If you are interested in the future just text me,

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