Carpenterstown/Laurel Lodge Minder/nanny share?
Carpenterstown/Laurel Lodge Minder/nanny share?           12/01/2018 08:01 - Dublin West Childminders ----------------------------------- Are you looking for a minder for you child/children? Would you be interested in a minder share? We would take someone in between us full time and split the cost. The person would care for the children between both houses and hence include light housework. Schedule would need to be agreed. PM me if interested
| re : Carpenterstown/Laurel Lodge Minder/nanny share?           17/09/2019 15:35 - Dublin West Childminders ----------------------------------- Hi just wondering if you got sorted with minder/nanny share. We have one girl and looking for minder/share options. Have you settled on something or are you open to discussing?