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re... : Bullying           reply
24/05/2010 18:41 - Ask Mother Hen
TOEb by TOE is very good for childens with dyslevia

re : Bullying           reply
15/01/2010 21:25 - Ask Mother Hen
How awful for her. Yes, of course go to the school, let them know what´s going on and see what can be done. Sometimes, it´s hard for a teacher to be aware of this kind of "intellectual" bullying, it´s easier spot the physical things. Make an appt to see the principal, your daughter does not need to know you even called to the school. You owe it to your daughter and yourself to do everything possible to help her. Best of luck to you both .

re : Bullying           reply
08/04/2010 12:06 - Ask Mother Hen
hi my name is niamh i am new to web site so was just reading your story and the problem you and your daughter were facing,my son was diagnosed with dyslexia a couple of years back made sure each teacher knew about his dyslexia went in every two weeks for feedback on how he was coping also he had learning support in school plus we paid a seperate teacher to come to our house once a week for one hour to give grinds and you must get a book called TOE BY TOE worked wonders for my boy no longer needs learning support in school but still does grinds at home well worth it and is doing great in school plus very good learning games on web for children with difficulties hope this helps in some small way

Bullying           reply
15/01/2010 08:53 - Ask Mother Hen (Locality: Mayo)

My nine year old daughter was bullied badly last year and I thought that it had been all sorted.

However, she has now been diagnosed with dyslexia and I have just found out that the girls in her class don´t include her in any of their games during breaks and while they´re doing P.E. which usually involves playing basketball or football (neither of which she is very good at) no-one will pass the ball to her.

The school she attends has recently got a new principal and I don´t know whether to go again and bring this up with the new principal. My daughter doesn´t want me to do anything about it as she is fearful that they might start the name calling etc that they were doing to her last year.

Can anyone advice me?

re... : Bullying           reply
19/01/2010 13:23 - Ask Mother Hen
I absolutely agree with Kincora - you need to let both the principle and her teacher know about this and also her recent diagnosis. I think it would be best if your daughter doesn´t know as this could make her worry even more.
If possible, could you try to help your daughter to build her confidence? If there is an activity that she is interested in (e.g. ballet, gymnastics, art and so on) could you get her involved in some local classes? This will help her to mix as she will be mixing in a group with the activity and also may help her to make friends with children who are in her school so that at least if she has no special friend in the class, she will have someone in the school yard and so on?
As much as possible, affirm her so that her confidence gets a boost. If she does something then praise her. Get others in your family and family circle involved so that she is getting afirmation from lots of people. This will have a very positive influence on her self confidence.
The best of luck with this - do let us know how you get on

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