Breakfast and afterschool childminder wanted Dunshaughlin
Breakfast and afterschool childminder wanted Dunshaughlin           22/07/2019 14:16 - Meath Childminders ----------------------------------- Hi, I am looking for a childminder to care for my 2 boys age 7&9, from our own home in the village of Dunshaughlin. We typically need childcare from 8-9:20am & again 3-5:30pm, mon-fri. The typical term day will be 8am arrive at house and help get the boys ready for the day, including breakfast 9:10am walk the short walk to the N.S. ***you are free from 9:20am-3pm**** 3pm collect boys from the N.S. 3:15-5:30 prepare lunch for the boys, assist them with their homework and mind the boys On 2 days the boys will need to be brought and collected from music across from the NS Non-term time- we need Childcare all year round (except for planned holidays) so longer hours are required during holidays i.e. 8-5:30 and bringing boys to camp. All in the village. PM if interested. Aineog
| re : Breakfast and afterschool childminder wanted Dunshaughlin           06/08/2019 14:23 - Meath Childminders ----------------------------------- Still looking