Bored with School
re : Bored with School           15/03/2011 10:47 - Ask Mother Hen ----------------------------------- Hi There, I would certainly advise that you have a chat with the teacher. It may be possible for her to give him extra work when he is finished first or for him to be given a book that he can read when he is finished the class work. I really don´t think that the teacher would take any offence from this - I am sure it is a common enough problem. The main goal is to prevent your son from being bored so giving him extra work will prevent that. Best wishes!
| Bored with School           14/03/2011 21:15 - Ask Mother Hen (Locality: Cork) ----------------------------------- My 7.10 y/o son (in 1st class) is not being challenged AT ALL in school. This has been the case from day 1. He´s quite bright, and has been somewhat bored since Jr.Infants, but has been fine b/c he´s been making friends and doing all the other things that come with schooling. It´s just that now, for the 1st time, he´s complaining about being bored everyday. He´s always the 1st to finish his work and then just sits there "playing with his pencil" until everyone else finishes their work and the teacher moves on. I know things "pick up" when they get to 3rd class (my eldest is in the 3rd class and it´s the 1st time he´s actually being challenged to some degree), but it´s hard to hear my son complain about being bored at school! Should I approach the teacher? And if so, any suggestions on how I should do that so as to not offend or put her on the defensive? (although I know that shouldn´t happen, I won´t fool myself into believing it can´t). What would you do?