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Afterschool required - Dunboyne

Afterschool required - Dunboyne           reply
07/07/2021 20:47 - Meath Childminders
Hi, I’m looking for after school care for my son (8 ) and daughter (6). Approximately 20-25hrs per week requiring school collections in Dunboyne at 1pm and 2pm. Ideally we would like them minded in the carers home as we both work from home a lot but are open to our house.

Afterschool required - Dunboyne           reply
07/07/2021 20:47 - Meath Childminders
Hi, I’m looking for after school care for my son (8 ) and daughter (6). Approximately 20-25hrs per week requiring school collections in Dunboyne at 1pm and 2pm. Ideally we would like them minded in the carers home as we both work from home a lot but are open to our house.

re : Afterschool required - Dunboyne           reply
22/07/2021 09:49 - Meath Childminders
I don’t know if you saw my post but I’m a mom and minder living in Dunboyne. My boys are 6 and 2. The older one is in Rang 1 in the Gaelscoil and the little one is starting ECCE. We live near the library so are very near the schools for collections and I’d be happy to mind the children in our home. Please get in touch if you’d like to discuss this further with me.
All the best,
Emily Herbert

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