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Advice re: Childminding Fees

re : Advice re: Childminding Fees           reply
01/04/2016 21:53 - Waterford Childminders
I would say your talking at least 300 a week in a childminders home and that would be very cheap. You need 3 children minded 3 full days and 2 half days with school pick ups as well ( and playschool fees). To mind one child full time is around 150 euro pw. So its alot to think about.

re : Advice re: Childminding Fees           reply
01/04/2016 17:42 - Waterford Childminders
Dear Michelle,
I searched for this for you. I hopethis helps on your search. Kind regards,

Advice re: Childminding Fees           reply
30/03/2016 16:05 - Waterford Childminders
HI, I need some advice re: cost of childminding. I´m contemplating a job offer and I have to evaluate if it would be worth my while to go back to work. I have three children. The eldest is full time Montessori and will be going to Junior Infants in September. The middle child is 3 days a week Montessori and will be full time in September. The youngest is 2 mornings a week, which will continue in September. So I would need someone 3 full days (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays) and 2 days ( Mondays and Wednesdays) to pick up children from half 12. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

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