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ASD units attached to schools in the Clare area

ASD units attached to schools in the Clare area           reply
18/05/2017 22:48 - Ask Mother Hen (Locality: Clare)
Hi all,
I am new to the site, but I was wondering if anybody might have information on any schools with an ASD unit attached in the clare area. My son is 5 and imminently about to receive a diagnosis. We know what is coming and our current school does not think it is going to receive any extra SNA allowance even though it would change his life.
Therefore we are looking in to the very strong possibility of having to move our son.
It appears to be unbelievably difficult to pull up information based on area.
We are based around the Ballina/Killaloe area, Annacarriga (Clare).
If anybody might be able to point us in the right direction we would really appreciate it.
Thank you

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