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John Scottus National School

Phone: 01 6609309

JOHN SCOTTUS National School John Scottus schools parents be sure you will be happy with the ethos. 0710180255

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** JOHN-SCOTTUS--National-School-John-Scottus-schools---parents-be-sure-you-will-be-happy-with-the-ethos.-0710180255
21/11/2011 11:54 -
John Scottus really does ´get it´.  The world has changed over the past 50 years, but the education system has struggled to keep pace.  John Scottus is the only national school in my area that understands what we all need to succeed in TODAY´s world.  Their website says it all - the school has updated it over the past year, making it even easier to understand.  The school has also stepped up its efforts in terms of communicating with parents. For anyone concerned about outdated comments found when ´Googling´ the school - I have only one thing to say:  my child is happier than she ever was before.  She is calm. She is learning.  The school has transformed her.  And how come no one has ever mentioned anything about the tiny class sizes?!  I know that my child is not going to ´fall through the cracks´ the way so many children do in large classes at other schools. 

re : John Scottus schools - parents be sure you will be happy with the ethos.          
05/26/2012 11:13 AM - School Specific (share to everyone)
This comment is ill informed andjust not true
I have two children who have just finished their first year at the schol and it is great.
The school hasreally helped themand cares for their development in a positive way
It isso much better for them ,with small classes and people who care abbout them as people.
There is none of the heavy cult type issues that this person refers to at the school and i would encourage parents to go along and see for themselves rather than reading outdated rubbish such as this web site is hosting

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