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Coláiste Iosagáin

Phone: 01-2884028

Colaiste Iosagain 40th Anniv

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Colaiste Iosagain 40th Anniv Concert          
11/29/2011 02:59 PM - General (share to everyone)
Ceolchoirm 40 Bliain 40th Aniversary Concert
Le clabhsr a chur leis an gceiliradh 40 bliain ag an scoil, t cr agus ceolfhoireann le scolir agus iarscolir na scoile tagtha le chile le ceolchoirm speisialta a chur i lthair. Beidh an Gloria le Vivaldi, cr Barbershop agus caril Nollag ar an gclr.. Beidh an cheolchoirm ar sil i Halla na Scoile ar an gCadaoin 7 Nollaig ag 8.00pm. T ticid ar fil oifig na scoile ar 5 an ceann. Beidh cpn tae ar fil tar is na ceolchoirme le seans a thabhairt do dhaoine casadh le chile. Beidh filte mhr roimh thuismitheoir, iarscolir agus scolir a bheith linn ar an oche thaithneamhach seo.T sil againn go mbeidh slua mr i lthair le tacaocht a thabhairt don obair iontach at danta ag na scolir agus iarscolir ag ullmh na ceolchoirme seo dinn.

To conclude of the 40th anniversary of Coliste osagin, a choir and orchestra comprising former and current students of the school has come together to present a Christmas concert. Gloria by Vivaldi will be the principal piece performed along Barbershop singing and Christmas carols. The concert will take place on Wednesday 7th December at 8.00pm in the school hall. Tickets are available from the school officeat 5 each. There will be refreshments after the concert to give people a chance to meet, talk and renew old aquaintainces. We look forward to seeing as many parents, iarscolir and scolir as possible on the evening to support the tremendous work the students and iarscolir have but into preparing this concert for us.

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