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Childminder wanted - Whitegate

Childminder wanted - Whitegate           reply
14/12/2017 21:15 - Cork County Childminders
Hi there, I’m thinking about getting a childminder in the new year & would like to see if anyone is interested out there!
I’ve 2 kids 1 & 4, who are currently in preschool & crèche. So it would probably involve full time for my 1yo and part time for the 4yo ( outside preschool hours). It would be approx 7am to 4.30/5pm.
I am at early stages in this thought process, but if you think you would be interested I’d really like to hear from you.

re : Childminder wanted - Whitegate           reply
03/06/2018 10:26 - Cork County Childminders
Are u still looking for a childminder in whitegate

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