Childminder Required - Portlaoise Area
re : Childminder Required - Portlaoise Area           20/01/2016 15:03 - Laois Childminders ----------------------------------- hi my name is chloe i would be very instrested in this position i have years of experience from creches to home and with children from birth upwards im also a mum to a 7 year old.i have exellent refrences available. any questons feel free to pm me or my email is
| Childminder Required - Portlaoise Area           06/01/2016 22:03 - Laois Childminders ----------------------------------- Experienced childminder required to mind 3 young girls (4yrs, 2 1/2 & 9 month) in family home, 3 days a week, Tues-Thurs 8am to 7pm. Experiance minding young children a must. Immediate start. Contact Tom 086 3198986